Saturday, October 18, 2008

Two Words

ok, this posting is caused by Maura LeAnn

2 words

2 words NO MORE NO LESS can be used... Have fun and try not to use the same answers as the person before you...

1. Where is your cell phone? ..................In hand
2. Your significant other?..................wonderful man
3. Your hair? ....................................... Short silver
4. Your mother?................................ in heaven
5. Your father?...................................... at home
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night?........................ didn't dream
8. Your favorite drink? .............................cranrasberry drink
9. Your dream/goal? life
10. The room you're in?.........................picture room
11. Your ex?....................................not one
12. Your fear?..................................dying young
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?.........happy alive
14. Where were you last night?....................At home
15. What you're not?..................................nagging mean
16. Muffin?.......................................... blue berry
17. One of your wish list items?........... healthy life
18. Where you were born?................. San Francisco
19. The last thing you did?.......................closed store
20. What are you wearing?.................... A sweater
21. Your TV?.........................................a tv
22. Your pets?........................................ spoiled yorkie
23. Your computer? .................................yep computer
24. Your life?......................................... good fulfilled
25. Your mood?...................................content loving
26. Missing someone? girls
27. Your car?...........................................a truck
28. Something you're not wearing?................ a slip
29. Favorite Store?.....................................crandberry shop
30. Your summer?....................................what summer
31. Like someone? husband
32. Your favorite color?......................... blue green
33. Last time you laughed?.........................yesterday
34. Who will re-post this?...........................not sure


Deborah said...

Way to go G. I wasn't sure I could do it, but I think maybe I can do it. It seems kind of fun.

Miss you lots and lots!

PS. I hope you're looking forward to plum jam at Christmas:)

Maura said...

That was a fun one. Thanks for playing :)

Hope you are staying warm and having fun.

Can't wait to see you and Gramps at Christmas!!!!!!!!