Friday, December 10, 2010

San Diego

I arrived in San Diego Thursday the 9th, My friend Linda picked me up at the airport at 11:30 we headed out for Coronado for lunch, it was so good, then we went and had a visit with my Dad at the Rehab center, I am so happy to report that he is doing so well, after our visit we went to the NEX so I could get some baby shower gifts for Saturday. Then we headed to the zoo, wow,,we only had one hour and the first place we headed for was the Panda Bears, since it was a bit after 4 pm they were out and active, that was so great, we saw the flamingos, and monkeys and we walked through an area that was very tropical, I want to go back when I can see it all. After the zoo we road through balboa park and then went to dinner at the fishhouse on the pier, yum yum, after that we went back to Coronado so we could see the Xmas lights and then back to Balboa to see the lights finally got to the house about 7:30pm, a long long day. Today I went to visit my mother-in-law for a bit then off to see my Dad, we talked and we walked and we sat and had coffee and a cookie together and then I was off to visit with my sister-in-law for a bit. Now I am back at the house relaxing. Tomorrow I will be going to a baby shower and will catch up with family that I have not seen in years, and I mean 10+ years so that will be fun.

I am so happy my Dad is doing so well and we are talking and he is telling me stories when he was a young sailor and places he has been.

Love your family, hug your family, enjoy your family, don't let time go by and then you say, I should have, I would have, just do it.


Deborah said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having a great time! We love the zoo and Tyler is so jealous you went to the San Diego zoo. That's one place that's on our bucket list.

I hope you are writing down the stories Granpa Frank is telling you. That is really special he is sharing his memories with you. We're happy he's doing so well. Please give him our love.

Enjoy your trip and spending time with your family!

Unknown said...

I had a bad dream about dad the other night and I hated it. I want you and dad to know I love you.

I am so sorry to hear about Grandpa Frank but am glad he has you and Debbie there. I sent him a card but it was sent to the address you had in one of your earlier posts. I don't know if he will get it and it has not been forwarded back to me. Please let Grandpa know I am sending him lots of love.

Judy Feliz said...

Thank you Julia for your post. Dad and I love you very much, I will tell Grandpa that you send your love when I go and see him tomorrow. I don't remember which address I had because I think I posted 2 different places but he is in Paradise Manor in National City. He should be coming home this next week if all goes well.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry I had to repost this. After I posted the first time I caught to many errors! I guess I should start by saying this is in response to your post on my Random Pictures blog.

I wasn't sure if you would but I am glad that you did. I thought about you two a lot over the past few months but don't want to go into it here. All I know is that if anything ever happened and "I Love you" never crossed my lips again towards you and Dad I would never be able to forgive myself...but again I don't want to get into it here. :0-)

I hope you have a great Christmas too. I can't believe it is already here. The kids and I have 4 more days and then we will be off for 2 weeks. Give Emmet and Et Loves for me. WOW! I can not believe you got the card already. I sent those out on Saturday...that was really fast.

I am glad to hear Grandpa is home and doing much better. It must be a relief for him to be amongst his own things and in his own environment. I am assuming that he has not received the card I sent to him addressed to that other place. It must be on its way back up here. I will forward it when it does. I better get going. I have about another hour of math homework...ugh! 40 years old and doing math homework. But I have to say it is a lot easier the second time around...why did I waste so much time in school? :0-) Take care. Love you too.