today is a day that allows you to sit inside and watch the snow flakes just drift to the ground and just ponder over all that you know, dream and what the future might hold for us. I have always been a west coast type of gal born in San Francisco, raised in San Diego CA, married a Marine almost 50 years ago, and never in my dreams, thoughts or desire ever thought I would be living in Alaska. The first time we ever saw Alaska is because of our 3rd and fourth daughters, and I fell in love with Alaska then, that was in 1990, so much has crossed our path and we have felt love, sadness, contempment, but never regrets. We have raised a family of beautiful children, and in turn they have raised a family of even more beautiful children and now those children are starting to raise families. It is amazing of how life goes on.
I am going to post some pictures of Alaska as I have seen it and I hope you can see the beauty of this state. I miss my children in Nevada so much but I am glad that I have had this opportunity to see this country and now can call it my home.
I guess today is a day for pondering and dreaming and saying thanks to the Higher Being up above for allowing me all of my good fortune, no not material things, but for the love of a family, good health, a good soul mate for life, and happiness for a life time.
Thank you