Saturday, September 19, 2009


here it is September and our original plan was to move next September, HA, then it was moved to June, HA, then it was moved to May, HA, now it is April. I have started to pack up some of the non essential items and now it seems real. I was unhappy at first at the thought of leaving Alaska, but now that the girls up here have accepted and even have pushed us to leave earlier than September it seems real and I am now getting excited about going back to Nevada. My first choice had always been Carson City, but my best friend, partner, confidance, husband of 50 years did not want to move back to Carson, so it was three choices, 1, San Diego, 2, Carson City, 3, Alaska. We both decided on Alaska, it was a move we had to make, we brought up Catherine and Sarah and they have settled in and have really put down their roots, I don't think they will ever pull up their roots, they have thrived and are successful here. If we had not made the move to Alaska they would still be down in Las Vegas. So you see, destiny, fate, or what ever you want to call it, brought us here. Now after 4 years it is time for us to move on and see where our destiny will take us this time.

Monday, September 7, 2009

On The Move Again

I guess we are just gyspys at heart, we are going to be on the move again, we have decided to return to Nevada but in the Northern part, ie. Carson City or Dayton NV. We are starting our planning and gathering our boxes and we will start packing away all items not needed for day to day living. We are going to take a lot down with us next June when we go for our granddaughter's graduation and when we return to Alaska at the end of June, we hope to have the house on the market and the rest of our items packed and try to be out of here by September of 2010. We have not told the girls up here in Alaska yet, but it will come out soon, I just had to post my thoughts for now just to put it out there. We love Alaska but Alaska does not love us, I will miss my girls here and it will be sad to leave. Delbert had a very bad auto accident last March and with the weather turning cold it is really starting to bother his chest a lot and he is not one to feel pain so when he complains about his chest and putting medicine on it I know in my heart that we have to leave here. It makes me very sad and right now I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, but it will be for the best. We want to be able to spend time with his parents, they are up in their 80's and my Dad who will be 93 this coming January. We want to be able to use our motorhome to travel in the winter to the warmer parts of the country, ie. Arizona, California, we want to have the family dinners, family functions, movies, book stores, libraries. We want to enjoy life and not just exist.