Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We survived

Today is the 5th day of the new year, we survived 2010, there were good things about 2010 that I never want to forget and there are bad things about 2010 that I NEVER want to remember. This year is going to be a good year I just know it. We have our health, we have a home that we share with our daughter and her hubalub (that is what she calls him) we have enough money to live comfortable but not extragavently, we have a dog that loves us unconditionally, we have wonderful family, wonderful friends, what more could we really ask for? we have it all now. Loving life.

1 comment:

Meagan Berry said...

I love you Grandma. There are many things that I think that you should never forget, and for good reason. I hope that 2011 brings everything that you hope for!