Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday in Las Vegas

Yesterday was a very busy day, I took my Dad to the Navy Hospital to start is treatment for his stroke, we got there at 9 am and he was checked into his primary doctor, then we had to go and be counseled on his medicine he has to take to keep his blood thiner, he has irregular heart beat caused by his heart as the doctor said, it squiggles and when it squiggles it caused clots and the clots cause the strokes, his heart beat was way up usually it registered out around 55 to 60 beats per min but yesterday it was at 127 beats. The blood thiner is called comdium or something like that and he has to go to a clinic just for that medicine and he has to have blood drawn every other week to make sure he is not over dosed and his blood gets too thin because then he could homorage even with just a small cut, he cannot use razors any longer, he has to use an electric shaver, but the doctor would not pull his drivers license, he stated they have a patient who is 101 and still drives herself to the clinic, so Dad has his car keys back. The physical therapist came to evalute him and he was so surprised at how strong my Dad is,he said he does not need him, but he is going to go back on Thursday to show him some exercises to help him keep his balance and strenght up. He also said this was the first time he came to a home and found a 93 year old stroke person who was not in a wheel chair or walker and just could not believe that my Dad was going to be 94 next month. That goes to show you that proper eating, proper exercise really works and keeps you going.

My sister did not get home until after 9 last night, originally they were suppose to be home Sunday and I had plane reservations to fly out Monday to Las Vegas at 11:30 am, when I get to San Diego she informed me plans changed and they were not coming home until Monday night, at that time I still had my plane reservations and I told her she had to make arrangements for someone to come and check in on Dad because I had to leave, but my wonderful hubby decided to drive down to San Diego so I could stay until Tuesday morning and I cancelled my reservations so now I have a credit for a future flight.

Monday was a long long day, after we finished up with the doctor he told me that after they got the lab results from the blood test I would have to go back to pick up his prescription, so off we went home and just as I walked into the door my hubby said the doctor called and I had to go back and get the prescriptions. Have you ever had to deal with a military hospital? well it is no bowl of cherries. Anyway back I go.

After that we went and said our goodbyes to the rest of our family down there went home and packed up and by 9 pm I was ready for bed. I was so excited about finally leaving San Diego, I woke up at 1 am and then again at 3:45 am and I got up and said the heck with it, we are out of here and we were on the road to Las Vegas by 4:45 am, we arrived just before noon and the trip over was hampered by rain,fog, and travel was slow, it poured all the way to stateline then it let up to just a drizzel. It was funny as soon as we hit the high desert our bones quit hurting, Pixie our dog was very happy to leave too. She is in better spirits. We will be at our friends house until very early Christmas morning and then we head home, we want to be back by 3 pm because Maura is making dinner for us and Peter's parents for Christmas.

It is bitter sweet leaving San Diego because of my Dad, but happy too since I have been gone for just over 2 weeks, I am ready to sleep in my own bed. My Dad told me yesterday he was so happy that I was there to help him get through all of the doctors visits, visiting nurse, physical therapist and getting his medicines all arranged for him, he said that he wished we could live closer, but I told him if he could not get the help with my sister because she is so busy, to just call me and I would come back and help. I feel confident that he will be ok and that all will go well, next month in January we will be going to San Diego to celebrate his birthday and also my Mother in Law, her birthday is the day after my Dad and she will be 90. WOW.......

Live is good, be happy, look for the good not the worse, smile, laugh, hug,


Deborah said...

You have been so busy! I am so grateful you've been able to be there for your dad. That is so important that family knows how much you care. I'm glad Gramps drove down to be with you. I'm sure you missed him because I know he missed you. He once told me he didn't know what he'd ever do without you. :)

Love you!

Maura said...

Sounds like a very family filled Holiday..thats just great!


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